How to avoid a tree root invasion problem

If you are a homeowner residing in North Aurora, the chances are that you do not often pay much attention to your sewer lines. Plumbing and piping on a property is built to handle all kinds of waste, but even they have their limits. However, one of the most common problems that affects sewer lines today is that of tree root invasion. Tree roots, from trees planted near, or directly above sewer lines, eventually grow downwards and place immense pressure on particular areas of the pipes. Over time, these areas become weak, and cracks begin to form. Tree roots then grow into these cracks, causing leaks and blockages, that can be expensive to repair.

How to Prevent Tree Roots from Invading Sewer Lines

Prevention is always better than cure. The truth is that not all trees are detrimental to sewer lines. Before you plant trees in your garden or yard, conduct some basic research into what species of plants and trees are most harmful to sewer lines. Trees like maples, redbuds and dogwoods do not typically cause much damage to sewer lines.

Add small amounts of Copper Sulfate crystals into your toilets and drains from time to time. Copper Sulfate is toxic to tree roots, and will kill and remove any roots that may have already invaded your sewer line. It is always recommended to speak to a professional rooting service regarding the amount of Copper Sulfate to be added.

If you have not planted trees yet, consult a landscaping professional before doing so. Landscaping companies will assess the outdoor area on a property, and determine the ideal locations to plant trees, keeping in mind the locations of sewer lines.