Is My Sewer Line Clogged?

Has your sewer line ever been clogged before?

Not sure, huh?

Well, the thing about a sewer line with a serious blockage is that it can display many subtle warning signs. However, it’s up to you to pick up on these warning signs (and always be on the lookout for them).


The last thing you want is for all of your home’s wastewater to back up to the point of causing damage to your home. Because allowing a sewer to stay clogged can result in you having to replace it altogether — when you could have just cleared the clog in the first place.

clogged sewer line

Warning Signs Your Sewer Line is Clogged

You’re Having Toilet Trouble

When you clog the toilet because of too much toilet paper and waste in one flush, just grab the plunger and have at it. However, if you notice the toilet is starting to clog frequently without any waste in the bowl, you might have a bigger problem on your hands.

You should also keep an ear out after you flush your toilet. Let’s say the toilet doesn’t show complete signs of clogging, listen for noises you don’t normally hear.

Do you hear a gurgling noise?

This gurgling noise could be a sign of the beginnings of a clog being formed somewhere within the sewer line. You should address the problem now while it’s smaller (and cheaper).

You’re Ankle Deep in Water

Taking a shower can easily be one of the most relaxing parts of your day. Warm water, clean soap, and water up to your ankles…

Wait, what!?

If water is pooling in your shower to the point of it being at your ankles, there is a serious clog that needs to be addressed. This clog could be due to hair or other debris within the shower drain OR it could be due to a more serious sewer line clog — either way, a plumber should be called.

Since the plumbing for showers and tubs are closer to the ground than sinks, you may notice these fixtures and drains clogging before a bathroom or kitchen sink.

Washing Machine Side Effects

The next time you run your washing machine, pay attention to the part of the cycle where the water is drained from the machine. At this point in the cycle, run to the bathrooms to check the fixtures.

It’s possible that the water from the washing machine will drain and back up into either your toilets, bathtubs/showers, or sinks. If the toilets are clogging in addition to bathtubs and sinks, your sewer line could be clogged and in a lot of trouble.

Everything Starts to Clog

The toilet is usually the first fixture where you’ll notice a clog, but once you start to see other drains and plumbing appliances backing up with water — you may want to contact your local plumber to have your plumbing system inspected.

When more than one plumbing fixture is backing up with water, it’s safe to assume there is some degree of a sewer line clog.

What to Do Next?

Obviously, the first thing you want to do is contact your local plumber to have your plumbing system inspected.

As soon as you hang up the phone, make sure everyone in the house knows not to use any plumbing fixtures. Adding more water to your sewer line will only back things up further.

The easiest way to make sure no one flushes the toilet, showers, or washes anything is to shut the water off at the main water valve. It’s better to be safe than sorry while you wait for the plumber!

Dealing with a sewer line clog can be a major headache that no homeowner wants to go through — especially if the clog causes damage throughout the plumbing system.

However, you can avoid dealing with a major sewer line issue if you are aware of the warning signs to identify if it is clogged or not.

When you need a trusted plumber to inspect the most important part of your home’s plumbing system, we’ll be ready and waiting for your call!